One of my favourite destinations is Paris. This city, especially the neighbourhood Saint Germain-de-Près, feels like home away from home. This July, it is the second time my sister, her family and I are celebrating the summer together. Enjoying dinner in Chinatown, we planned city adventures, finding great places to eat Asian specialties or macarons and going to the Eiffel Tower again. My cousins mentioned this amazing restaurant de la Tour for lunch and immediately I went the next day to find out myself.
The city of love, of lights and of fashion has many museums dedicated to the history and art of fashion. Les Arts Décoratifs showcases “Inspirations” of Belgian designer Dries van Noten. This exhibition is a great way to get to know his magical world of design and style.
Dries van Noten shows his love for travels, nostalgia and nature through his elaborate visual mood boards. Not ordinary ones, the art halls are filled with beautiful paintings, film stills and folklore costumes from the archives of this museum to clarify the inspiration references to his collections. For the Paris-based designer, it’s all about telling a captivating story through patterns, prints and silhouettes. What a wonderful never ending story to watch and to wear.
Les Arts Décoratifs – Paris From March, 1 until November, 2, 2014.